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A. Arranging a loan with Assetz Capital
How quickly can my client get a loan?

One of our Relationship Directors will meet your client soon after an enquiry or application has been made.  They will collect the required information needed to write a credit report. After which they’ll need to be checked and vetted by our credit team.

Upon successful sign off by our credit team the legal process can begin. The timescales for this process can vary dependant on the responses from the clients nominated solicitor.  Our underwriting facility means that once all the paperwork is in place, loans can be funded immediately upon completion of the legal process.

How much can my client borrow?

The amount your client can borrow depends on the type of loan.  You can find out the minimum and maximum facility sizes by viewing our loan price guide.

What information will you require from my client for an application?

View our ‘Deal Accelerator’ guide in the intermediary resource section for our information checklist.

What type of companies do you lend to?

We consider lending to many company structures and individuals across many different industries.

Do you arrange face-to-face meetings with the borrower?

Yes, we like to meet every potential borrower in order to better understand their needs and provide the best possible solution for your client.

How do I keep track of my client’s application?

You can speak to your dedicated Relationship Director or you can call our centralised head office support team on 0800 470 0430 selecting option 3.

B. Fees and repayment
Can my clients pay their loans back early?

Whilst we don’t generally charge early repayment fees some loans may attract a minimum charging period, this will be advised and agreed prior to full application.

Can my clients make overpayments?

Yes, however some loans may attract a minimum charging period, this will be advised and agreed prior to full application.

What fees can my clients expect?

Whilst there are fees for borrowing money, these are generally negotiable and will be agreed prior to full application.

C. Lending criteria
Does you lend to ex-pats and foreign nationals?

Yes, we consider lending to both ex-pats and foreign nationals.

Can my clients have more than one loan from Assetz Capital?

Yes, they can.

My client has never developed property before, can they still get finance?

We assess every enquiry on its merits rather than adopting a tick box approach. So if your client is a first-time developer, with an experienced project manager we’ll try to make it work.

Do you lend to first time buyers?

Yes, we’ll consider first time buyers for Buy-to-Let purposes.

Will you lend on inter-family sales?

Not if the family member was to remain as the tenant post sale.

Is there a maximum number of BTL properties an applicant can own?

There is no limit to the size of the applicant’s portfolio. The individual loan must remain within our maximum loan limits.