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8 January 2016

Guidance For Borrowers

Guidance for Assetz Capital borrowers

The opportunity to grow and develop in ways which, without the help of a loan, would have been previously difficult, is an opportunity that needs to be grasped with both hands. 

For the vast majority of businesses seeking a loan through Assetz Capital, the loan is their first, so providing guidance is of key importance, and is a central aspect of what we can offer borrowers. 



Banks operate on a tick-box model when it comes to lending to SME’s. In other words, there are many reasons why a credit-worthy, up and coming UK business may be refused funding from a bank.

In many cases, it may just be that the sector is struggling, and banks don’t wish to lend to those viewed to be in a volatile market. Here at Assetz Capital, we’re sector neutral when it comes to assessing businesses, judging each loan on the individual merits of the company. 

Perhaps the most important benefit of choosing to borrow through a peer-to-peer platform, such as Assetz Capital, is the flexibility offered. There’s no need for businesses to jump through hoops to achieve funding, and any plan put together is tailored to individual businesses’ needs to achieve the most positive outcome. 

Since launch, we have expanded our finance options for SME’s and now offer a number of alternative tailored loans, including:

•    Business term loans – One, three or five year loans for trading SMEs to assist with expansion, cash flow or to fund a specific project.

•    Development finance – Finance for residential or pre-let commercial property.

•    Single invoice purchase – Short-term finance advanced against an individual sales invoice.

•    Property term loans – Medium term finance for residential (including buy to let loans) and let commercial properties.

•    Trade finance/short-term contract finance – Import finance, invoice purchase or accelerated cash flow on a sales contract.

•    Bridging finance – Short-term loans for residential, commercial and semi-commercial (mixed use) property.


Relationship Managers

Our dedicated relationship managers are assigned to your business at the beginning of the loan process, and will be with you every step of the way. 

Assetz Capital has 6 relationship managers across the UK, meaning that your advisor is always close at hand to answer any questions, in person, that you may have about your loan.

Each relationship manager has over 20 years’ worth of experience in the banking and finance sectors, and their insight and advice is incredibly valuable. 

We believe that regular communication is essential, and our relationship managers will keep you up to date on the state of your loan throughout the process, providing advice and answering any questions you may have.

For an example of what you can expect from your relationship manager, our Regional Relationship Director who looks after the East Midlands, Neil Roper, has a profile on our blog. 

You can find out more about your local relationship manager here


What else can Assetz Capital help with?

Besides constant communication and regular updates, there are other ways in which we seek to help borrowers. 

Before any loan is approved, we sit down with businesses in order to understand where any capital received will go. At this stage, we offer expert advice on where money would be best spent within the business and if your plan for the borrowed capital is the best course of action. 

To see the views of some of our past borrowers, visit our case study page


As with most forms of investment, peer-to-peer lending carries a degree of risk to your capital; in this case if the borrower is unable to repay their loan. At Assetz Capital, we seek to reduce this risk to our investors by taking asset security on every loan.